2008年11月6日 星期四

Learn from Book or Learn from Experience

Since we were a child, we learn the knowledge from books. As we grow up, we live with the public, and use what we learn from books to deal with everything. This is why our experiences come from. Therefore, I think that learn from experience is more important than from book. According to our experience, we may face the difficult that never show in the books every day, so we have to be an active learner, thinking about how to solve the problem, and increase our experiences in lives.

As we have a job, we may use what we have learned from book to deal with things. But everything can be change in any way and any time, we should not so mechanical, and we should face the difficulties bravely and thinking about the ways to cope with it. No matter the result is good or bad, the most important is that we gain more and more experiences. In lots of experiences, we also can learn how to solve problems, how to cooperate with others, and the communication skills. In the end, we can turn out to be a active learning, not the person just wait for somebody's help.

Learn from experience is better than just learn from book, because experience can make us grow up. Therefore, we should make good use of our time to find something worth to do and enrich our life experience.