2008年11月6日 星期四

Learn from Book or Learn from Experience

Since we were a child, we learn the knowledge from books. As we grow up, we live with the public, and use what we learn from books to deal with everything. This is why our experiences come from. Therefore, I think that learn from experience is more important than from book. According to our experience, we may face the difficult that never show in the books every day, so we have to be an active learner, thinking about how to solve the problem, and increase our experiences in lives.

As we have a job, we may use what we have learned from book to deal with things. But everything can be change in any way and any time, we should not so mechanical, and we should face the difficulties bravely and thinking about the ways to cope with it. No matter the result is good or bad, the most important is that we gain more and more experiences. In lots of experiences, we also can learn how to solve problems, how to cooperate with others, and the communication skills. In the end, we can turn out to be a active learning, not the person just wait for somebody's help.

Learn from experience is better than just learn from book, because experience can make us grow up. Therefore, we should make good use of our time to find something worth to do and enrich our life experience.

2008年10月28日 星期二

To Live in the Small Town or Big City

I was born in a small town in Tainan County, and I lived there for eighteen years. Now I’m studying in the Providence University in Taichung, this is my first time to live in a big city, and I also find that the big differences between big city and small town. If I can choose, I prefer to live in the big city.

There are lots of reasons why I like to live in the city, such as the information, the transportation, and the convenience. To live in the big city, I can rapidly catch the newest information, including the exhibitions, the high technology products, and the fashion. For example, I can watch the woolly mammoth exhibition only in Taipei; I can use the newest I-pod and my computer can be use everywhere because there is wireless internet covered the whole city; I can know the what is the most popular things in this years. To live in the city, if I want to go someplace, but I don’t have car or motorcycle, the best way to get the place is take the bus. It’s very convenient for the people who live in the city, because they can take the bus to go shopping or eating. In Taiwan, in the big city, there are also the MRT, the High Speed Rail, and the train all converge in the big place. In order to our environment, the convenient public transportation system is really good to our lives. To live in the big city, there are all kinds of stores, such as restaurants, department stores, and so on, for us to choose. Also, if we want to buy something, you may go out for 5minutes and you can find a store that can full what you want.

In my opinion, it is good to live in the city. In the future, I would like to live in the city, and find a job there. I hope that my dream can come true.

2008年10月2日 星期四

Quick Chick

The book "Quick Chick" is written by Julia Hoban. This is a story about a chick won the admiration from everyone, although he was the smallest one and the slowest one before.

Jenny Hen had three chicks, but there was another chich that didn't hatch. As the Slow Chick hatched, Jenny Hen taught the four chicks the lessons that a chick should be know. However, the Slow Chick was acting slowly、sleeping and didn't absorb in his mother's teach. Jenny Hen had great confidence to Slow Chick, and she believed that Slow Chick will do well some day. Suddenly, a cat showed up and wanted to catch Slow Chick, then Slow Chick started running very fast without stop until the creek. The cat was chasing behind Slow Chick and didn't stop for the creep, so he fell into it. Everyone was so happy that Slow Chick became a Quick Chick.

This is the first time for me to read the story. I believe that many people just like the Slow Chick as they were a child. But in their live experience, they happened something, or they learned something. They would be grow up and turn to be the Quick Chick.

2008年9月25日 星期四

Introdue myself

Hi, my name is Rae. I'm come from a couryside in Tainan. There are five members in my family: my father, he was retire last year; my mother, she worked in a drugstore last year, now she is a materfamilias; my two older brothers, one is teaching Chinese in a junior high school, and one is a house physician; and I 'm studying in Providence University. In my free time, I like to read books, listen to music, and watch movies. My expection in the class is to improve and promote my English writing ability.