2008年10月2日 星期四

Quick Chick

The book "Quick Chick" is written by Julia Hoban. This is a story about a chick won the admiration from everyone, although he was the smallest one and the slowest one before.

Jenny Hen had three chicks, but there was another chich that didn't hatch. As the Slow Chick hatched, Jenny Hen taught the four chicks the lessons that a chick should be know. However, the Slow Chick was acting slowly、sleeping and didn't absorb in his mother's teach. Jenny Hen had great confidence to Slow Chick, and she believed that Slow Chick will do well some day. Suddenly, a cat showed up and wanted to catch Slow Chick, then Slow Chick started running very fast without stop until the creek. The cat was chasing behind Slow Chick and didn't stop for the creep, so he fell into it. Everyone was so happy that Slow Chick became a Quick Chick.

This is the first time for me to read the story. I believe that many people just like the Slow Chick as they were a child. But in their live experience, they happened something, or they learned something. They would be grow up and turn to be the Quick Chick.
