2008年9月25日 星期四

Introdue myself

Hi, my name is Rae. I'm come from a couryside in Tainan. There are five members in my family: my father, he was retire last year; my mother, she worked in a drugstore last year, now she is a materfamilias; my two older brothers, one is teaching Chinese in a junior high school, and one is a house physician; and I 'm studying in Providence University. In my free time, I like to read books, listen to music, and watch movies. My expection in the class is to improve and promote my English writing ability.

1 則留言:

vicki 提到...

Hi, Rae.
I come to visit your blog!
My family members are five as well as your!
You said you like to see movies, what kind of movies do you like? Can you introduce some good movies to me?
Hope you can learn a lot in this class!